Why subscribe?
Subscribing tells Canberra’s politicians you want a new stadium, and you want a say about its location and design.
You’ll receive a monthly email about the mooted stadium, understand who’s who in stadium politics, and be kept up to speed with what’s happening in arena infrastructure in other cities.
Who’s behind this?
This petition, newsletter and website are run by Jackson Gothe-Snape (hi!).
After 10 years of living in Canberra, it’s clear the city has been transformed into the most liveable place in Australia. But the sporting experience at AIS Arena, Bruce Stadium and even Manuka Oval has failed to keep pace.
Missing out on top level sporting matches like fixtures in the 2023 Women’s Football World Cup has been painful. Even tiny Townsville, thanks to its new stadium, has hosted a State of Origin match.
The possibility of being overlooked for 2027 Rugby World Cup games due to Bruce not being up to scratch prompted me to do something. This petition and newsletter is that something.
Most days I work for ABC as a national sport journalist. But this is something I’m doing in my personal capacity.
Look forward to meeting you.